Next week we are expecting the first organic pears from Argentina. We therefore asked Product Manager Ricardo Montoya to give his thoughts about the new season.
N&M: What are your expectations regarding the new season for South American pears?
Ricardo: We are expecting a good season. This optimism is based upon the fact that there is a strong demand from the market and at the same time the quality and quantity is looking good.
N&M: Anything new to report?
Ricardo: Definitely. We are working with some new growers and have a broad range of packaging options including 7 kg layered as well as the 6 kg, 10 kg and 15 kg bulk.
N&M: Are there any specific campaigns linked to the pears this season?
Ricardo: We will continue to compare and share the hidden costs of organic and non-organic pear production. The calculations based upon an FAO model, prove that organic pears are not expensive and conventional is far too cheap. Download the full report on True Cost here.
N&M: Seeing all the attention for Food Miles, why is Eosta still importing these pears from the other end of the earth?
Ricardo: It’s a common misconception that non local fruit is perhaps less sustainable. Many people immediately think that these products are flown in by air and therefore have a massive C02 footprint. We therefore welcome every opportunity to inform our customers and the end consumer that our apples and pears are transported by ship only. Furthermore independent studies show that the C02 emission of a fresh Argentinean pear is lower than that of a European pear that has spent months in special cooling chambers. At Eosta we focus on the sustainable impact which includes a wide range of ecological and social issues.